Corporate Gifting FAQs


1. How does Corporate Discount work?

Once you have liaised with our corporate team and your requirements have been discussed, a discount code will be issued based on total spend. You will then be directed to the website where you can add the required products to checkout and the discount code can then be applied at checkout.

2. Can this code be used more than once?

If you need multiple use of a code, please let us know.

3. Can I have gifts shipped to multiple addresses?

Delivery must be to one UK / Ireland address as we are unable to deliver to multiple addresses. If you wish to deliver to multiple addresses, an order will need to be raised for every delivery address.

If you wish to ship to the US please let us know.

4. Can Corporate discount be applied to already discounted items / bundles on the website?

NEOM does not apply corporate discounts to any already discounted Items / Bundles / Promotions that you may see on our website.

5. Are there any restrictions around number of units being ordered?

There are no restrictions around the number of units.

6. Do NEOM offer personalisation?

Although a service we are working on providing in the future, NEOM does not currently provide a personalisation or gift-wrapping service.

7. How do I pay for my order?

You can pay via card at checkout. Once this order has been paid for, the order will be delivered within 5 days.

8. I want to gift NEOM to staff but I want them to be able to choose their own gift, what are my options?

There are several options, please contact and we can assist with this.