Five Must-Try Essential Oils To Help Relieve Stress

Stressed? Give these all-natural blends a go…

Five Must-Try Essential Oils To Help Relieve Stress

Stress affects us all in one way or another and unfortunately there’s just no escaping it. After what’s been another stressful year for most of us, there’s never been a more important time to look out for your wellbeing. With the power of essential oils lying at the heart of our brand, here are five that could help you to feel calmer and more collected…


1. Lavender

Best For Helping You To Unwind

Undeniably one of the most popular essential oils, lavender can help with feelings of stress thanks to the calming effect it can impart. The smell itself is particularly comforting if you’re feeling tense or unable to switch off before bed, which is why you’ll find it packed into our bestselling Perfect Night’s Sleep collection.


2. Jasmine

Best For Creating A Sense Of Calm

Another favourite among those who often feel worried, restless or on edge, jasmine has been said to help boost your mood and lift your spirits due to its sweet, yet delicate and refreshing scent. It was its rejuvenating properties which made us blend it into our much-loved Real Luxury scent.


3. Orange

Best For Improving Your Mood

Citrusy and zesty, orange can be great for turning your mood around and helping you to get going on days you really don’t feel like it. Try this one in the mornings or for that mid-afternoon slump and see if you too feel more refreshed and balanced.


4. Lemon

Best For Brightening Dark Days

Much like orange, this citrusy oil can also help evoke feelings of positivity which are often hard to come by when we’re feeling down. Try turning to our Happiness Essential Oil Blend to help brighten darker days and enjoy the fresh and energising aroma.


5. Neroli

Best For Comforting And Soothing

Another refreshing scent, neroli is both sweet and spicy and can also help you to feel comforted. It's been reported (here if you fancy a read) to help reduce blood pressure and may have potential in helping to relieve stress symptoms. Find this in our Scent To Make You Happy collection.


Three Ways To Use Your Stress-Relieving Essential Oil

Unsure how exactly to use your oil blend? Here are three ways we'd suggest...


1. Light A Candle Or Diffuse Through Your Pod

Each one of our 3 wick candles has four bottles of essential oil blend in them so try lighting our Real Luxury after a hectic day and inhale the calming scents of lavender and jasmine. Or, pop a few drops of our Moment Of Calm Essential Oil Blend into your Pod and inhale that way.


2. Use Them In Your Bath Or Shower

Did you know you can also use our pure Essential Oil Blends in your bath or shower to reap the rewards that way too? For an extra special moment, use alongside our much-loved Bath Foams which are also packed full of calming oils. Our favourite? It has to be Bedtime Hero.


3. Spritz Our Pillow Mist Before Bed

A consistent bestseller of ours thanks to its ability to help you unwind after a busy day and prepare for a more restful night, our Perfect Night’s Sleep Pillow Mist is a great way on inhaling our essential oils as the last step in your nightly routine.