Our Founder Nicola Elliott's Monthly Musings For September

From recipe books and foodie favourites to art galleries, spas and the hair mask she swears by, here's a little look at what our founder is loving this month... 

Our Founder Nicola Elliott's Monthly Musings For September

I'm always asked what's hot in the world of wellbeing so here it is - everything I'm loving right now! From recipe books and foodie favourites to the art gallery and spa I visited, here are some of my recent recommendations for you this month... 


The Recipe Book I Can't Put Down...

One Pot, One Portion by Eleanor Wilkinson

When it comes to cooking, I'm all about simple but tasty. I mean who isn't? This one is exactly that... effortlessly easy. I also love how it's just one portion so it's  great for solo lunches and nights I have to myself without needing to worry about wasted leftovers. My favourite? The peanut noodle salad or meatball and mozzarella orzo.

Buy yours here.


The Spa I Recently Visited...

Nàdarra Spa at The Coniston Hotel

Sometimes you really can't beat a spa day. They are the perfect escape for when life gets a bit full on. A complete luxury I know, but I find it's a great way to switch off from the business of life. It's absolutely beautiful here and the rural setting overlooking the Yorkshire Dales is just bliss. 

Book for yourself here.


The Guilt-Free Sweet Treats I Can't Stop Snacking On... 

Everything from Pip & Nut

If you're looking to seriously up your snack game and are a nut butter addict like me, you need to stock up on some of these goodies. My current faves are their Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups or their new Stuffed Oat Bars. With absolutely no palm oil, ethically-sourced ingredients AND a fellow B Corp, I love everything about this brand. In fact, I caught up with their founder Pip on my Instagram last month which you can rewatch here if you missed it. 

Stock up for yourself here. 


The Podcast I'm Listening To...

Desert Island Dishes

I'm all for an easy and light-hearted listen on my morning walks or commutes to meetings and this has been my current go-to. Chef Margie Nomura talks to a whole host of different guests about their favourite dishes. From their favourite childhood dinners to their desert island dish, it's also good for a bit of inspo too! 

Listen here.


The Hair Mask I'm Using...

Coco & Eve Like A Virgin Hair Mask

I'd been seeing this everywhere on my feed so decided to give it a go and I can confirm it's definitely worth the hype. It's super nourishing, smells incredible and my parched post-holiday hair looks and feels the best it's felt in ages. 

Buy yours here.


The Book I've Just Finished...

Blue Sisters by Coco Mellors

Having read a few of Coco's books this year, I took this one away for my recent holiday read and enjoyed every page. If you're looking for an emotionally-rich fiction story that you can get lost in, definitely add this to your list. Beautifully written and incredibly heart-warming... it's a goodie! 

Buy your copy here.


The Art Gallery I Popped Into...

Mylo at Meadow

If you're looking for some cool, contemporary and affordable art, this is definitely worth going along to. Set in a listed Italianate building on Stockbridge High Street, it's got such a nice vibe and I'm thrilled with the pieces I bought. If you are passing, do swing by their café for lunch too... it's all locally-sourced, seasonal and delicious! 

Visit for yourself or shop their art online here


The Sleep Advice I'm Channelling...

No eating or drinking three hours before bed. 

Since this month is Sleeptember, I'm using it as a good reset and a chance to put sleep back at the top of my agenda. I'm a big believer that better wellbeing starts with good sleep and ever since we created our Perfect Night's Sleep Plan. this has been the one thing that has made the biggest difference. It sounds hard but just moving your dinner a little earlier really helps. I'm all for a 6:30pm reservation instead of an 8 or 9pm now. Better sleep AND home in decent time... win, win. 


The NEW NEOM Product You NEED... 

A Limited-Edition Mocha Wellbeing Pod

Without a doubt the best NEOM product we've launched all year and a strong contender for best launch ever... these new Wellbeing Pods are an interior (and wellbeing) must-have. Each design is hand-blown so every one is completely unique. I'm team Mocha as the chocolate brown colouring goes perfectly in my new lounge. If you've not yet snapped one up, I'd be quick as we've only made a limited amount. I've been using our Precious Black Pepper & Bergamot Essential Oil in mine. 


Missed last month's musings? You can catch up here - Our Founder Nicola Elliott's Monthly Musings For AugustYou may also like - Six Things Our Founder Nicola Does To Find Her Feel Good and Five Takeaways From Our Founder's NEW Book.

For more wellbeing tips and advice, check out my book - The Four Ways To Wellbeing or follow me - @nicolaelliottneom